Duke basketball: Jon Scheyer already reaching feats Coach K did not

Duke basketball head coach Jon Scheyer (Kelley L Cox-USA TODAY Sports)
Duke basketball head coach Jon Scheyer (Kelley L Cox-USA TODAY Sports) /

Duke basketball head coach Jon Scheyer is reaching feats his predecessor did not. 

Greetings Duke basketball fans, allow me to introduce myself.

My name is POC. Paul O’Connor for long.

Former college basketball coach and life long Coach K advocate. I’ll be covering all things Duke over the course of the year and look forward to experiencing a new head coach at Duke for the first time in my lifetime.

That’s good enough for an intro, let’s get to it.

Recently, our friendly ‘Love ‘em or Hate ‘em’ college basketball analyst Jeff Goodman released the top recruiters in the country list for 2022.

Although lists like this are relatively pointless, and probably miss the mark with a lot of great recruiters out there, to say Jon Scheyer is No. 10 is laughable at best.

ALSO READ: Jon Scheyer continued to be slapped in face as recruiter

Let’s review the past two years for Scheyer, courtesy of our good friends over at TheBrotherhoodCBB.

Duke basketball head coach continuing to impress every day

Jon Scheyer did something prior to coaching his first official game that Mike Krzyzewski has never done!

Duke now will have the No. 1 recruiting class two years in a row, a nice badge of honor for the people saying the program’s recruiting was going to drop off when Coach K retired.

Back to the man of the hour, TJ Power listed a variety of reasons for ultimately choosing the Blue Devils, even though they got involved a bit late in the process, including the brand and the visit:

“The overall brand of Duke also really got me. I think I really fit well with all the ideals there and how they approach things at that school,” Power told Sports Illustrated.

ALSO READ: Duke gets richer after ending recruiting dry spell

“Now, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t wowed on the visit.”

Listen, there will be hiccups along the way for Jon Scheyer, how could there not be?

He is replacing the face of college basketball for the past 30 years, but early in his tenure recruiting does not seem to be one of them.

And maybe, just maybe he will stick it to Jeff Goodman on Twitter one day.

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