Duke basketball: The three steps to replacing Cameron Crazies

Duke basketball (Photo by Lance King/Getty Images)
Duke basketball (Photo by Lance King/Getty Images)
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Duke basketball
Duke basketball (Photo by Jacob Kupferman/Getty Images)

How the Duke basketball program could replace Cameron Crazies: STEP ONE

Fortunately, at least one company is already working to put something similar to this first idea into motion. However, the proposal here goes one step further than what Associated Press reporter Dave Skretta detailed this week in regards to what ChampTrack offers:

“Old crowd noise is a bit like an old game…lacks a certain authenticity. So along came ChampTrack, which created an app that utilizes the microphones of fans. It captures every roar and groan and sends the audio to its server, which then aggregates the noise into a single stream. That stream is then returned to the viewer using proprietary algorithms to provide the broadcast with real-time sound…”

But rather than just send the virtual fan noise back to the users of the app, head coach Mike Krzyzewski could order Duke to install tiny speakers within the armrests of each of the to-remain-empty seats inside Cameron Indoor Stadium — Step Three here explains how the university could cover the cost — while designating one speaker apiece for the users.

Fans at home could thereby have their real-time cheers, chants, boos, taunts, fart noises, crying toddlers, and whatnot project from such individualized speakers. As a result, quarantined supporters from anywhere on the globe could help give Cameron authentic fan noise, which would be audible for the players and all TV viewers.

Of course, it’d be even better if we could see the real-time fan faces in the seats alongside their corresponding speakers, right? No worries, time for Step Two…