Duke basketball: How to continue to play with the 2019-20 Blue Devils

Duke basketball (Photo by Peyton Williams/UNC/Getty Images)
Duke basketball (Photo by Peyton Williams/UNC/Getty Images) /

The 2019-20 college basketball season came to an abrupt ending last night, but Duke basketball fans can still play with their favorite Blue Devils if there is a void to fill.

No one in their wildest dreams thought the last Duke basketball game of the season would be on March 7 at home against North Carolina.

Not if you told them last week, last month, or certainly not at the beginning of the season.

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However, due to the suspension and cancellation of sports across the United States of America, such is the case.

While there was no closure to another unforgettable basketball season in Durham, fans who wish to see Tre Jones dominate, Cassius Stanley fly through the air, and Vernon Carey Jr. be a man among boys will have the chance to.

Playing video games will become increasingly popular among the weeks and months of quarantine, and some Duke fans have probably already purchased NBA2K20.

If you have not, I suggest you look into buying that game because in the popular video game is a way for fans to downloaded college rosters and teams to create their own virtual college basketball season, as shown by ‘SkillzFromThe6’:

If Duke fans are truly feeling up to it with their free time, the 2K19 version of the video game also has the ability to download college rosters in which Zion Williamson, RJ Barrett, and Cam Reddish are all back in the Blue Devil uniform.

‘Dereklions’ showcases how fans can get college rosters on NBA2K19 via his YouTube page:

While there will be no basketball inside the doors of Cameron Indoor Stadium until the 2020-21 season, fans can get their daily and weekly fix of Duke basketball by living out their passion for the Blue Devils in video game form.

Hopefully, fans will be able to create a ‘March Madness’ of their own by downloading these roster updates to the games.