Whenever the day shall come, who will receive the daunting task of taking over the Duke basketball throne after the game’s all-time wins leader retires?
Family is a funny thing, isn’t it? You spend time building it, nurturing it, putting in the blood, sweat, and tears only to have little moments of frustration and awkwardness ruin good moments. When Pittsburgh came to Cameron Indoor Stadium back on Jan. 28, the Duke basketball family knew it was going to be a little weird.
A misheard chant and a few angry moments later, Twitter was on fire with everyone either scratching their heads or laughing at our fearless leader. As Mike Krzyzewski was going full-on drill sergeant at the Cameron Crazies, I had a realization. I realized that the man is mortal, and much to our collective misery, he is indeed getting old.
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In honor of his 73rd birthday today, (Happy Birthday Coach K!), it seems appropriate to broach a touchy subject. After getting the sadness out, (who am I kidding, it’s still there), I decided it’s time for a contingency plan. Allow me to introduce the most likely successors to the GOAT whenever said legend goes to graze in greener pastures.
Note: I’ve heard nothing at all to suggest any rumors or movement, this is just what my psycho head tells me. Also, it should be noted that Coach K will more than likely handpick his successor.