classless in victory and they're clueless in defe..."/> classless in victory and they're clueless in defe..."/>

Cry Me a Tar Heel


You have to hand it to those North Carolina bloggers, they are classless in victory and they’re clueless in defeat.

Checkout The Fifth Corner after Duke’s victory yesterday. Actually, don’t bother….I’ll give you the highlights myself.

First this:

"From what I read around the internet the crazies kept doing “N-I-T” chants as the game went on. Stay class Duke, stay classy! Everyone has a right to chant what they want, even more so when they can finally beat a team that has owned them at home four years in a row, but remember that pay backs are whatever they say they are."

So the crazies “have the right” to chant want they want, but then they’re “classless” for chanting N.I.T.? That’s it. That’s the chant that bothers him? Just a few days ago, Duke is playing in front of a Maryland crowd that chanted “fuck Duke” and “fuck you Scheyer” for the entire game, but this guy can’t handle “N-I-T?”

I don’t recall him writing any articles about how Tar Heels screamed “thugs!” at Maryland’s black players after the Terps upset them in Chapel Hill last year. As far as I can tell, the crazies are being kind…I’m not sure Carolina is even worthy of the N.I.T.

The funny part is, he made a good point about how Duke had lost their last four in Cameron. Doesn’t a win that breaks that streak allow for some leeway in the chanting? I personally would have chanted “Miss it, Deon!” all night long in honor of that guy who Roy Williams threw out of the Dean Dome. Oh and since Carolina bloggers like to blog about their four-game winning streak in Cameron, I’ll just remind them that Duke has won eight of the last twelve in Chapel Hill. Four in a row is impressive, but a .667 winning percentage ain’t so bad either. Let’s move on, because…

It gets even better.

"And while we are talking about classy, nice touch by ESPN to have Erin Andrews dress in a Duke blue shirt, first time I ever seen that happen…"

Wow, seriously? The game was so bad, this guy was really so concerned about the shirt Erin Andrews was wearing? I can imagine it now, ESPN brass getting together and thinking, “How can we really show our support for all things Blue Devils? I know, get me wardrobe!”

Maybe we should go back to the tape and checkout Dick Vitale’s tie, maybe it read, “I love my Blue Devils” on it somewhere.

But wait, there’s more:

"and of course Mr. Vitale and his man love for Coach K has become so extreme it gets annoying as soon as he says the first thing about it."

Coach K love? Um, let’s think about for a minute. During Duke’s ass-whopping of a Carolina team, Dick Vitale had plenty of reasons for Carolina’s demise this season. Of course he laid zero blame onto Coach Roy Williams.

Somehow he can overlook that Roy’s players gave up on the season a long time ago and ignoring the fact that Coach Williams refused to adjust his team’s style, even though it was clear they couldn’t handle it.

Roy has done a terrible job this year (he has seven McDonald’s All-Americans), but Dick Vitale, the man who dreams of fondling Coach K in his sleep, not only had nothing negative to say about Roy Williams, he kept praising him for the job he’s done this season and how hard he was coaching while his team got rolled in Durham. Yes, but he ONLY loves Duke and Coach K.

Carolina fans…classless in victory, clueless in defeat. Enjoy the N.I.T., buddy.